
Monat: Juli 2018

Hannover Life, Enya, Anton und Oma

Ahhh, Enya and Anton, the therapy horses. Learning how to interact with them is always a challenge and a treat. Directing a horse with only your emotions, body gestures and intentions is a trip! Kicking a fitness ball and it kicking it back (sort of) is a lovely feeling. But playing with a hula hoop and inviting both horses to join in was the best! I got them to bite the hoop at the same time. Kind of like playing tug a war with 2 dogs and then letting go, leaving the two tugging it between themselves. It felt like a real achievement, LOL, which is counterproductive to my instructions.

The last pix is of our visit to Oma, who is 99 with an ok mind and ailing body.



Bonn and Essen – Abramovic und Zeche Zollverein

In these pix we were first in Bonn and then Essen. Bonn had a museum exhibition of Marina Abramovic „The Cleaner“.  She is a world-renowned performance artists. (Wow – super intense and great.) Then we visited the Zeche Zollverein, one of the last big coal & coke mining/smelting plants still standing, now a World Heritage Site. Last year we saw one half. This time we finished the other half. Also, super great stuff.
(The last pix we are in the bottom of a 90 meter chimney.)



Camping and sunset at the North Sea

We stayed near the North Sea for a night. Also our first night sleeping in the tent. The frogs … way to loud… all night long. „Shut UUUUUUUUP!!!!“ 😉
The sunset after 9:30 made for great photo shots in the light. The mud flats are very special in that area. It is safe to go a little ways out. Otherwise, a knowledgeable guide is recommended. And of course, Elke has such a friend. And his fantastic dogs.



Lüneburger Heide and first days in Hannover

Hi Er.!
I thought you might like to see some of the photos Elke is sending out. I am in Hannover with her right now and for two weeks more. The below ones are from a party/celebration (incredibly delicious marzipan creme berry cake OMG),  visiting friends at rock climbing area called „Ith“, Andreas´  historical „Fachwerk“ house (which he is renovating by himself slowly), working in Elke’s Community Garden (every city has what they call colony gardens areas), a typical dinner on Elke’s back porch, me working with a therapy horse and the last pix is of Elke trying out the tent.

Elke has two gardens and I enjoy working in them. Of course, I like do the chopping and sawing of wayward hedges and trees. And we eat a lot of Italian Ice cream here.


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