Wir machen uns gerade auf den Weg zum Farmers Market. Draußen regnet es „Alligatoren und Schildkröten“ (ich glaube „cats and dogs“ ist british, das ist hier eher unpassend…) Moksha hatte Recht, der Regen wäscht das Auto. Nach unserer Everglades-Expedition war es kaum wieder zu erkennen, so staubig…
Was das weitere Schreiben angeht mache ich es mir heute mal leicht, ich schicke Mokshas Facebook-Post von gestern:
Hello everyone! I have a general update on our (me and Peter) affairs.
I am 3 years out from the heart/lung surgery, no complications and all systems go. Hooray!
Peter is almost 4 weeks out from double-by pass surgery (hooray!) with only one complication/hurdle left. (boo…) It’s a biggie though. His left side of the diaphragm is paralyzed. Phrenic nerve regenerating itself is possible. A friend’s uncle had it come back to life after 11 months. Peter says this is the hardest thing he has ever experienced.
On the lighter side, I know of no other caregiver who has gone through so many similarities as their transplanted partner. Talk about empathy! We are now ‘sternotomy twins’, as well as first hand experience of: drainage tubes, anemia, movement restrictions, rapid heart rate (the kind that shakes the bed) and shortness of breath. Pain and frustration goes without saying, naturally.
Turns out being the caregiver is not an easy nor emotionally simple job. Fortunately, my travel-pal and great friend from Germany, Elke, is with us and she is a wonderful source of help and entertainment for us both. I have had to examine my own motives and wishes because many times they are NOT the same as the patient!!! Go figure LOL! And if you wondering about Peter’s ‘Ron Jeremy’ reference, it was courtesy of an ICU nurse. It’s now gone but was fun while it lasted.
love to you all, m
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